The first follow-up appointments have already been arranged
Those responsible for the newPark set off for EXPO REAL with the development plan in their luggage. Expectations for the trade fair were high – and were exceeded.
“The city of Datteln has created the conditions for marketing with the planning law,” said André Dora, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of newPark GmbH and Mayor of the city of Datteln, after returning from Munich. “This demand shows that it was worth all the effort.” Bodo Klimpel, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board and District Administrator of the district of Recklinghausen, also agreed, adding: “With newPark, we have a range of space with which we can reach large, well-known companies. This is an absolute gain for our region.”
In addition to André Dora and Bodo Klimpel, Ansgar Lewe, Managing Director of Vestische Grundstücksgesellschaft, and Andreas Täuber, Managing Director of newPark GmbH, also represented newPark at EXPO REAL.
The representatives of newPark at EXPO REAL in Munich (from left): Andreas Täuber, Managing Director of newPark GmbH, Ansgar Lewe, Managing Director of Vestische Grundstücksgesellschaft, André Dora, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of newPark GmbH and Mayor of Datteln, and Bodo Klimpel, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board and District Administrator of Recklinghausen.
Participation in the exceeded the delegation’s expectations. The talks were promising with clear development prospects. With an available area of 503 hectares owned by Vestische Grundstücksgesellschaft, which also secures the complete environmental compensation and replacement measures on its own land, the newPark met with a great response from well-known investors – especially due to the 60 hectares of marketable industrial space with planning rights for the first construction phase.
The first follow-up appointments have already been made to continue working at full speed on the realization of the newPark. Hetfeld Hetfeld2024-10-16 11:18:462024-10-17 13:22:32Great interest in the newPark at EXPO REAL
Interview in the Dattelner Morgenpost of October 4, 2024
“The past years and months have shown that we can no longer outsource everything here in Europe,” said Datteln’s mayor André Dora in an interview with the Dattelner Morgenpost ahead of Expo Real. In an interview with Jürgen Bröker, the politician revealed why the newPark is so important for the region, but also for Germany. For example, the newPark is a great opportunity to bring more industry back to Germany and the region.
“Why do medicines have to come from the Far East if they can be produced locally? Why do computer chips have to come from the Far East?” Dora asked in the interview. “We in the Ruhr region have everything we need for production here: the technology, the workforce.” The time for the newPark is very favorable, also because many companies are currently looking for space. And: “We have an ordinance resolution in Datteln. This means that we have planning permission for the site and could move in directly.” Hetfeld Hetfeld2024-10-07 15:11:042024-10-07 15:11:05“We could relocate directly”: André Dora on the newPark
Press release by WiN Emscher-Lippe and newPark GmbH from October 2, 2024
Guests from local, regional and state politics as well as other key players from the region and throughout NRW accepted their invitation: District Administrator Bodo Klimpel and Mayor André Dora are extremely satisfied with the great interest shown in the newPark summit, which took place last Friday in Gladbeck.
More than 100 visitors were informed about the current status of the state’s largest land development project and gained new impetus from informative presentations and discussions.
There is a lot at stake when it comes to newPark.
Specifically: a lot of space, a lot of potential jobs and a lot to consider in terms of development and marketing.
With a total area of over 500 hectares, of which 156 hectares are to become commercial and industrial space, the newPark is one of the largest land development projects in NRW – and the only one in a conurbation and therefore with direct access to sufficient skilled workers and employees.
In order to drive forward further development, the newPark planning and development company, together with the regional economic development agency, WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH, invited guests to the newPark summit last Friday on the initiative of District Administrator Bodo Klimpel, Chairman of the WiN Executive Committee, and Mayor André Dora, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of newPark GmbH.
The large crowds at the event showed that they had struck a nerve: they welcomed more than 100 guests to Gladbeck, so many that some of the visitors had to stand in the aisles to follow the presentations.
Tackling transformation now “The newPark is a trailblazer in the region for the coming decades,” said District Administrator Klimpel in his welcoming speech, earning a lot of praise.
Not least from the regional director of the RVR, Garrelt Duin, who emphasized in his keynote speech entitled Transformation needs space: “We must set out to tackle the transformations that are now pending. The newPark is representative of the entire development of the region.”
Duin emphasized that the newPark and similar land development projects should not repeat the mistakes of the past and rely on individual large investors.
In future, the development of resilient commercial and industrial areas would have to rely on a network of different companies instead of “the one major investor”.
Duin emphasized the importance of the manufacturing industry as the basis for the entire value chain, from skilled trades to engineering services.
Becoming the ‘greenest industrial region in the world’ also means maintaining and attracting industry as a starting point for many other value-adding companies.
The Regional Director concluded his presentation with an urgent appeal to take advantage of the window of opportunity for relocations.
Top-class line-up at the newPark summit: In addition to numerous members of the state parliament, district council and local parliaments, District Administrator Bodo Klimpel (front) and Dirk Diedrichs, representative of the Saxon state government for large-scale settlements, were also guests.
Photo: District of Recklinghausen
Seven points for a successful settlement Time windows were a topic that Dirk Diedrichs also emphasized as a central and important point in his presentation Framework conditions for successful large-scale settlements .
A glance at his business card shows that Mr. Diedrichs should be listened to carefully when he talks about what it takes to successfully attract investors and companies: He is the Saxon state government’s representative for large-scale relocations and can point to a whole series of Saxon success stories, the most recent example of which is the relocation of chip manufacturer TSMC to Dresden. In his presentation, Diedrichs named seven points that make successful relocations possible: Profitability, availability of space, infrastructure, availability of labor, an existing “ecosystem” (research and educational institutions, business networks, etc.), acceptance and political support (“settlement policy is a matter for the boss”).
newPark: central and overarching importance for the region It is not difficult to see why: The newPark obviously offers the best conditions for further marketing.
The seventh and perhaps most important point on Diedrich’s list(settlement policy is a matter for the boss) could also be considered a given as far as the region is concerned after a glance at the guests present on Friday.
In addition to numerous representatives from the state parliament, district council and local parliaments, the administrative leadership was also represented by District President Bothe.
Only Düsseldorf called for more support in the subsequent panel discussion.
Mayor Dora stated: “We as the city of Datteln have delivered. Now we need support from the state and federal economic development agencies.”
He also emphasized once again the central and overarching importance of the newPark.
“We didn’t do this for Datteln, but for our region,” said Dora.
Josef Hovenjürgen, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Regional Identity, Communities and Local Government, Building and Digitalization of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, promised to take the suggestions and arguments back to Düsseldorf.
“Putting the newPark in the shop window“ The panel discussion also addressed the extent to which the newPark can be marketed under the same conditions as the relocation projects in Saxony mentioned by Mr. Diedrichs.
The background to the question is the generous subsidies that were granted for the “Aufbau Ost” program and whether it is even possible to set up a business without corresponding state support.
District Administrator Bodo Klimpel assured the audience that they were in constant contact with the relevant authorities for EU and state subsidies.
Regional Director Duin also announced that the Ruhr region would have its own representative office in Brussels in the future.
Regardless of the availability of funding for the development and marketing of the newPark, a statement by Mr. Diedrichs raised hopes: “You have an excellent area here. It would be nice if we had something like this in Saxony. If you put the newPark ‘in the shop window’, I am very confident that you will find investors.”
One last point on Mr. Diedrichs’ list of framework conditions for successful large-scale settlements needs to be considered: Acceptance.
It is no secret that the newPark project has been the subject of controversial discussions, including at the newPark summit.
Concerns were expressed in particular by the Bündnis90/Die Grünen parliamentary group.
The Managing Director of newPark GmbH, Andreas Täuber, emphasized in his presentation that the concerns have been incorporated into the planning and that the newPark is to be developed as a “blueprint for climate-neutral, green industry” – including the preservation and afforestation of forest areas, rainwater collection areas and a ventilation concept.
“We need to take action now,” emphasized Regional Director Duin during his presentation, echoing the sentiment of all panel participants and receiving great applause from the audience.
With a total area of over 500 hectares, of which 156 hectares are to become commercial and industrial space, the newPark is one of the largest land development projects in NRW.
About the newPark: The place of longing for future industry that reconciles sustainable growth and climate protection has a name: newPark.
The area of the newPark is defined in the NRW state development plan for major, land-intensive industrial projects of state importance.
The planned industrial area is located in the northern Ruhr area, the Emscher-Lippe region, on the former Dortmund sewage fields in Datteln.
The planned area covers 290 ha.
The planned marketable area is 156 ha.
Planning permission now exists for the first 60 ha!
Industrial settlements will be embedded in a park landscape with high-quality ecological features and set out to turn North Rhine-Westphalia’s vision of becoming a climate-neutral industrial region into reality.
The focus is on two sectors: the booming green tech industry with growth-oriented, medium-sized companies and networked, digital production. The cities in the north of the Ruhr Metropolis are developing their economic structure with the newPark and are thus becoming less dependent on economic fluctuations and crises.
About WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH: WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH – “WiN” for short – is the regional business development agency for the Emscher-Lippe region, i.e. for the cities of Bottrop and Gelsenkirchen and the district of Recklinghausen with its ten towns.
It sees itself as a service provider for transformation for companies, municipalities and associations in the region.
WiN has established small, specialized teams for the three major challenges of demographics, defossilization and digitalization, which are closely networked with each other and with stakeholders in the region.
They also maintain a close exchange with colleagues from neighboring municipalities and districts in the Ruhr metropolis and Münsterland.
In terms of demographic change, WiN offers solutions to counter the shortage of skilled workers through the regional agency and the Women and Careers Competence Center.
In the area of digitalization, it has established SMART REGION Emscher-Lippe, an umbrella brand that bundles expertise in the region.
WiN offers expertise in the areas of circular economy and hydrogen for the task of converting industry to climate neutrality. Hetfeld Hetfeld2024-10-07 11:26:192024-10-07 11:48:17Large crowds and lively discussions at the newPark summit
Managing Director Andreas Täuber welcomes numerous interested parties to Datteln
For the seventh time, real estate representatives from all over Germany took a look at interesting development sites during the Ruhr Investors Tour – and also stopped off at newPark.
The tour gave the participants the opportunity to talk to those responsible directly on site and thus provided the best conditions for the next major real estate project in the Ruhr region.
Andreas Täuber, Managing Director of newPark, was able to present the newPark project to investors, entrepreneurs and project developers on site.
As a state project (LEP area), the newPark has 156 hectares of marketable land available for production sites of national importance.
Planning permission already exists for the first 60 hectares.
“newPark stands out due to its location in a conurbation and the 60 hectares of commercial space with building rights,” says Andreas Täuber.
“The demand for large spaces in the newPark is very high. The market is interested and the location is historically favorable. You won’t find this anywhere else in NRW.”
This creates a real opportunity for the Ruhr area and the Emscher-Lippe region.
The Ruhr Investor Tour is jointly organized by Business Metropole Ruhr and Stony Real Estate Capital. Hetfeld Hetfeld2024-09-26 13:59:172024-10-02 18:13:52Great interest in newPark at the Ruhr Investor Tour
On the occasion of the opening of the new sports park in Marl-Brassert, newPark Managing Director Andreas Täuber took the opportunity to personally thank Ina Scharrenbach, Minister for Regional Identity, Communities, Building and Digitalization, for her many years of support for the newPark project. This provided an opportunity for a brief exchange with the Minister and the Parliamentary State Secretary, Josef Hovenjürgen, on the current status of the newPark.
Caption: Andreas Täuber, Managing Director of newPark (l.), with Minister Ina Scharrenbach and Josef Hovenjürgen, Parliamentary State Secretary, in Marl. Hetfeld Hetfeld2024-07-11 12:17:052024-07-11 12:17:06Exchange with Minister Ina Scharrenbach and State Secretary Josef Hovenjürgen
At the invitation of WiN Emscher-Lippe-GmbH, a delegation of political and business representatives visited the newPark in Datteln at the beginning of June. Guests included Josef Hovenjügen, Parliamentary State Secretary, District President Andreas Bothe, Felix Neugart, Managing Director of NRW.Global Business GmbH, Dr Jochen Grütters from the North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce and Thomas Harten, representing the Münster Chamber of Crafts.
Bodo Klimpel, District Administrator of Recklinghausen, Datteln’s Mayor André Dora and newPark Managing Director Andreas Täuber presented the great advantages of the location to all guests. The speakers placed particular emphasis on the location of the newPark in the middle of the Ruhr metropolitan region with its immense potential for labour and skilled workers. “The newPark is one of four locations in the NRW state development plan and the only one located in a metropolitan area,” reported Andreas Täuber. “We are also the only location where planning permission has already been granted for the first 60 hectares of commercial and industrial space.” Hetfeld Hetfeld2024-06-12 16:08:112024-06-12 16:17:03Great cohesion in the Emscher-Lippe region
Report in the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung from 5 March 2024
With the publication of the development plan by the city of Datteln last November, planning law now exists for the newPark site. But the state of NRW itself remains passive. This was met with incomprehension by many, reported the WAZ on 5 March 2024.
“It is a state project after all,” says newPark Managing Director Andreas Täuber to the newspaper. He is therefore all the more surprised that the state of NRW is not taking a proactive approach to this asset. Täuber is not alone in this assessment, the newspaper continues. Datteln’s mayor André Dora and Marc Rosendahl, managing director of the DGB region Emscher-Lippe, also agreed with this assessment. André Dora had even contacted Düsseldorf about this, but: “I didn’t get a single signal back,” he told the WAZ. The North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce has also already called for support from the state on this issue, the WAZ continues. The industrialisation of the newPark is an urgently needed development for the region, Rosendahl emphasises to the WAZ.
The state plays an important role in the marketing of the newPark: “Because international investors looking for sites for large-scale projects don’t come to the city of Datteln, but contact the federal and state economic development agencies,” according to the WAZ. Täuber emphasises that the newPark needs to be advertised proactively in these places. There are currently “many international enquiries for large areas for industrial production”, says Täuber in the WAZ. Hetfeld Hetfeld2024-03-13 09:39:502024-03-13 09:39:51The state’s passivity meets with incomprehension
Report in regiopolis (published for the PolisConvention 2023 in Düsseldorf)
“Working in the countryside and by the water, between the Lippe floodplains, orchards and a lake” is how regiopolis now describes the location of the newPark, which is soon to be built in Datteln. “What sounds as if advertisers have come up with a contemporary marketing concept actually has a system and a history: the idea of the newPark has been around for two decades,” it continues.
The full article can be read in the gallery below. Hetfeld Hetfeld2024-03-05 12:27:392024-03-05 12:27:45A place of longing for green industry: newPark
Article from the Recklinghäuser Zeitung from Friday, 01 July 2022
The coalition agreement of the Black-Green state government was also eagerly awaited for the newPark as a state-significant project. We were pleased to note that the newPark will continue to be prioritised as a designated area in the state development plan under the new state government. Michael Wallkötter headlines his article in the Recklinghäuser Zeitung “NRW coalition agreement gives newPark an unexpected tailwind”.
The state government aims to make NRW the first climate-neutral industrial region in Europe. The future of industry is more than ever linked to issues such as climate, mobility, digitalisation, energy and the question of ecology and economy.
The newPark is being developed as a low-emission location that is compatible with the adjacent nature and landscape conservation area and is intended to be groundbreaking for the development of a climate-neutral industry. A model location for green innovations, energy efficiency and resource conservation (Green Tech) as well as digitally networked production (Industry 4.0) is planned.
Dr Uta Willem, Head of the Economics Department of the Recklinghausen district, and Andreas Täuber, Managing Director of newPark GmbH, took the opportunity to talk to Mona Neubaur, Minister for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia, on the fringes of the Marl Business Club’s business reception. Combining the areas of industry, climate protection and energy in one ministry also offers good opportunities for the nationally significant newPark project to advance the topic of green industry. Hetfeld Hetfeld2024-03-04 15:46:162024-03-05 10:41:48In conversation with our Minister Mona Neubaur